United Under Arts


예술 아래 연합

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Ενωμένοι μέσα από την Τέχνη

Unis par les arts

கலைகளின் கீழ் ஒற்றுமை

শিল্পের অধীনে একত্র


United Under Arts is a global student-led nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities to learn about and experience the arts to all, particularly underserved populations such as children and the elderly around the world. We run free arts-based events such as concerts, recitals, workshops, and tutoring to bring joy and meaning to all and facilitate connections across all ages and backgrounds.


Why Join Us


Make a Difference

Help underserved groups on a local and international level


Connect with a global community of volunteers passionate about making a difference


Gain access to all sorts of resources and support to become a leader and driver of social change in your community